
100 Years of Lenni and by Margot Review

 100 Years of Lenni and Margot by Marianne Cronin

This book was absolutely beautiful and poignant and heartbreaking and lovely.

Lenni is a young woman with a fatal diagnosis. Margot is an old woman with a fatal diagnosis. Together their ages equal 100 years. Living in the hospital, Lenni and Margot meet and form a sweet friendship.

Lenni can’t really relate to any kids her age anymore. However, she feels a connection with someone who understands what it means to know the end is just around the next bend. Margot has lived a long life and has so many stories to tell. Lenni will not live a long life and happily  listens to all that Margot is willing to share.

Together Lenni and Margot create something impactful during their time together in art class. They create something that will live beyond their lives — a legacy.

I really, really recommend this wonderful book. 

Jonathan Abernathy You Are Kind Review

 Jonathan Abernathy You Are Kind

By Molly McGee

There is something special about this book — the language and feeling… it’s charming even as the story itself is frightening and depressing. I don’t mean that negatively.

This book focuses on Jonathan Abernathy, a young man who is facing the endless battle of capitalism. Student debt, inherited debt, lame job options… it’s all so believable and suffocating.

Have you ever played “Scum”? If you’re on the bottom, you have to give up your best cards and it feels impossible to move up. If you’re on the top, then you have many advantages to keep you on top. That is the world of capitalism and this book so perfectly depicts the hopeless struggle that so many people face in capitalist societies.

I really hope that Molly McGee writes more — I am anxious to read whatever she does next.

I got a free copy of this book through NetGalley that I might write an honest review.