
BLOG TOUR: BOOK REVIEW: GIVEAWAY: Shannon Guymon's new book, "Do Over"

Do Over

Do Over by Shannon Guymon (goodreads link)

View all my reviews

This book was......

SOOOO Good. I have read almost all of Shannon Guymon's books and this one was my favorite. I feel like it was also her best yet. The plot rose and fell a lot more than her other books and there were lots of different conflicts that kept me interested and kept me wondering. I also loved the love story.

There was a lot of romantic suspense and just when you thought things were working out, something else threw a wrench in the relationship. It reminded me of the book, Edenbrooke (if you've read that) in that there were lots of exciting romantic happenings that kept you squealing over and over again and tons of situations that just made you swoon a little and smile as you read. A very well written, CLEAN romance. And that can be very hard to find.

It was lovely to see all of the other characters from the previous three books in Shannon Guymon's "Alpine" series, though I kept thinking the whole time: tsk. Sophie!!!!!! (Read it; you'll see what I mean.) It's fun to read books with recurring characters because by the end you really get them and care about what happens to them. It's also fun to see how the characters develop over a longer stretch of time than one book typically reaches, and to see how everyone's story works out. It's nice to see that they get together in the end, but it's even nicer to see that they're happy months down the road. That's one of the reasons I love this series. You fall in love with the characters and then you get to see them again: like being reunited with good friends years later and getting to see how their lives worked out.

This book also introduces a new character, Iris. She's fun and spunky, she's taking a terrible situation and growing from it. You start to worry she's going to be a bitter chick and drive you nuts, but she surprises you and you end up loving her and rooting for her.

Then there's Trey (His name must be said with a sigh). Trey's character has been burned a lot, and he's the kind of character that deserves to find a great love interest. Sometimes in books authors write these practically perfect male characters and the female protagonist never seems to deserve him -- not this time! There's nothing annoying, obnoxious, or gag worthy about Iris and she definitely deserves Trey and vice versa.

This is definitely a book worth adding to your collection -- the kind of book I know I'll read again and again. It's the kind of book I know I can turn to whenever my spirits need a lift or whenever I'm in the mood for a sweet romance. A MUST read if you like a good romance without a lot of blush-worthy moments.

AND NOW! On to the giveaway... You have a few opportunities to enter your name into the drawing to win a copy of this book from Cedar Fort. You can do one, or all of these things. The more you do, the better your chance of winning!

First: "Join This Site".
For a chance to enter: leave a relevant/ thoughtful comment ON THIS POST about this review or another of Shannon's books. 
For another entry: BLOG ABOUT THIS GIVEAWAY and leave a comment ON THIS POST (leave a link to your post in the comment) .
For another chance to win: post a link about this review on Facebook and leave a comment ON THIS POST saying you did.
And finally: visit Shannon's website and "Join This Site", then leave a comment ON THIS POST saying you did.

Only comments on this post will be entered into the drawing. The drawing will close at 10:00pm MST.

The winner will be announced TOMORROW morning! Please leave your first name and last initial if you have to comment as annonymous!

 Good luck and happy reading


  1. I haven't read it yet but I really want to read it. Sounds fun.

    How do I join her site? I can't find a place.

    1. Were you able to find her "Join This Site" button? It's quite far down the page.

  2. I loved edenbrooke so this might be just the book for me!! I've never read the alpine series...looks like I've got some reading to do!!

    1. The content is quite different, but the love story has the same back and forth suspense. I think you'll like this book! Thanks for coming to my blog.

  3. I would love to read this book! It sounds great!
    Heather D. L.

  4. While not my cup of tea, it certainly sounds intriguing.

  5. Yay! Shannon has a new book! Woo hoo!

    1. I know! I was very excited too. I cannot believe more people haven't heard of her. Her books are lovely.

  6. I managed to join both pages and I'm going to share n Facebook right now. I really hope I win. Our local LDS bookstore closed and it's hard for me to get any good clean books now. I've enjoyed other books by Shannon and actually stayed up until 1 last night finishing Makeover. I've loved how the books I've read use the same characters and that they're all evolving.

    1. Thanks for coming by and good luck in the drawing! It's hard to not have quick access to good books. Thank goodness Amazon sells such a wide variety, huh?

  7. I have been reading Shannon's books since the beginning and she is honestly one of my very favorite LDS authors! I'm always excitedly waiting for her books to come out. The Alpine series is so fun!!! They are the kind of books that you want to read in one cozy night! Clean, well-written, deep and thoughtful characters, and plenty of sass keeps me coming back for more and more :)! I'm so excited for Trey's story!!

    I've joined both your blog and Shannon's and hopefully this is a thoughtful/relevant comment :)! Thanks for hosting a great give-away!!!

    1. Thank you for coming to read my review. I agree, she is a favorite of mine as well. I love snuggling up with one of Shannon's books after my kiddos are in bed!
